Domenic Website

January 3 was Friday. Played video games with a friend and after parting I went to a cafĂ© that does Mexican food from the North. I had just finished The Part About The Crimes – finished it in 2024, which felt right – and began The Part About Archimboldi on yesterday’s island. Got some work done

January 2nd was a good day. I rode a moto around the perimeter of a windy tropical island listening to good music with someone special. It was a very fresh breath of air and I had needed it. I would like to do more of it, too, riding around like that, perhaps later in Oregon. That would be nice

I can’t wait to go home

took this screenshot while rewatching brokeback mountain at my parents' house on christmas morning. i was woken up by the sound of my grandma yelling in the dark. she has dementia and i have no doubt she is talking to ghosts. it was nice to be home. i had vivid dreams. but now i am back in mexico